Winter of a Superpower
Bobby Ma
It is Winter in the Giant’s land,
it is a dark world whiter than snow.
There is nothing left,
absolutely nothing, except the Giant.
Before, the land was the most prosperous of them all.
The trees had a wealth of green dangling top to bottom.
Life teamed in the forest,
and the animals were as plentiful as the sands of a beach.
At the heart of the land was the Giant.
It sweated in the fields for the life of his land
and also built the myriad of roads and bridges
that joined everything under him.
Seeing how much the Giant’s land had flourished,
the jealous Midgets of the neighboring lands grew fearful.
They knew, however, that the Giant was too powerful to stand up against
so unwillingly submitted under the Giant’s authority.
But in time, the Giant became a sloth
and squandered all his wealth.
He just sat there like a rock on the ground
and neglected to build protection from the winter for his land.
Then the snow started to fall
and the land became a cold hell
for the temperature had plummeted
and all life in his land said goodbye or died a cold death.
Having seen the turmoil,
the jealous midgets of the neighboring lands
saw the opportunity
and came and stole what was left from the Giant.
The once mighty trees were cut down for lumber,
the grand rivers emptied,
and the bold Midgets went directly to the Giant’s palace
and tore it down to the ground.
Now, there is nothing left,
absolutely nothing, except the Giant.
But one day, it will be Spring,
and a new Giant will rise.
Winter, however, will surely come again.
It always does.