

Editor's Note

Vertigo Editors (2022-23)


Yugen (n.) – “a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe… and the sad beauty of human suffering”.

Amid days blanketed in darkness, we at Vertigo gathered around a partagé of the creativity dearest to us on a night illuminated by string lights. As the landscape greened and flourished after heavy rain, we also grew, expanding our skills and voices with our second annual Open Mic. Writers and artists alike shared their expression with one another through poetry, screenwriting, animations, paintings, and more. 

Dear reader, we are exceptionally proud to present our 2023 Spring Issue. As you flip through these vibrant pages, we invite you to join our journey in exploring and embracing yugen: the profound, mysterious beauty of the universe. 

We’ve found yugen in fiery palaces and street vendor stands, through the nostalgia of flower crowns and homemade soup. We’ve contemplated the meaning of omniscience under mountain laurel and reveled in how rain kisses foreheads. 

With this, we ask our dear readers one final question. How will you capture the yugen within us all?

Table of Contents

Mina Chao & Victoria Dai – lost & found

Elizabeth Cheng & Samantha Tang- Soup

Kyrsten Su & Jannie Xu – At the edge of knowing everything, It is silent—

Dorothy Ko & Annabel Luo  – the visit after your departure

Mahati Ramakrishnan & Michelle Jiang – Wander

Isha Shah – vyrim

Angela Wu & Natalie Yang – Fire Palace

Chancie Chou & Michelle Jiang – hazel-gold

Olivia Tu & Vivian Chen – Flower crowns

Visruth Srimath Kandali & Allison Lin – Slip

Crystal Zhu & Annie Yao – the painter

Olive Li – NYC

Jonas Rindegård & Victoria Dai – chair-looms

Riya Abiram & Annabel Quin – Night Market

Loren Yelluas & Elizabeth Cheng –There were apple fritters at safeway

Bethanie Lee & Anton Zhou – Mine 
Sia Gupta & Hannah Chung – Space Letters
Hannah Chung & Maya Swaminathan – Ruby
Valerie Shu & Aanya Mishra – The Raining
Daphne Zhu & Mia Liu – saudade
Sandhana Siva & Annie Yao – The land of the free
Emily Pedroza & Helena Ho – Jawbreaker
Keshan Kannan & Julia Xu – Pagodes (Debussy)

Irene Hwang – adieu to the angels in my backyard

Elle Gasper- One With The Flower