

Hannah Chung | Art by Jennifer Lee

Coming up for a breath of air and all there is is light, Bright bright bright light. So bold and white and warm, Enveloping and full and altogether. We are all together, altogether over grass made pale by the light; we are one. We are one and my burning body disappears into the rush of light, pure pure light.

a flash: blindly i Remember the warmth of sheets and blankets piled up in dusky night. daily i thought my eyes were leaving & going dim. I had forgotten how the horizon lapped up the sun as it struck nine. i Remember the dull chimes of missed calls, i remember how the hours no longer differentiated themselves. Day and night spoke only vaguely, solid & passive under the weight of my skull on the pillow.

But this warmth is different. It is larger, faster. It is whirling with a thousand bone-white skirts into the limp grass, it is the distant memory of snow dirtying the ground in a silent thunder; white noise blurring everything into blue. It is pure, pure, white. It is perfect and so are We Altogether.

i cannot tell which of the hands are mine, briefly i think; i am afraid to detach from this strange light. We are an ember burning sacred offerings; holy in ways i cannot be, pyretic in nature, all-consuming in ways only We can be.