Make Clouds with Me

Make Clouds with Me

Suphala Nibhanupudi | Art by Angela Sun


I’m glad you’re here.

And now that You have stretched your neck,
past Pandora’s pandemonium
that weighs down your wrists and ankles,
You must take a deep Breath.
Slowly now, fill your lungs with
oxygen carbon dioxide water vapor
clouds and comet dust inside You

pause now hold that Breath
let the water vapor familiarize itself
with the insides of your diaphragm
feel your head buzz skitter wheeze swell
skull devoid of Sound but
filled with the vibrations of Music and
the vapor now contains bits and pieces of You
are doing great just a couple seconds more and


your hot grateful Breath
that will whistle out of You
laden with air that found refuge in your lungs
at the right moment, at the right shift of the Wind,
the airy Music of your Breath
encircles You, embraces You.
The movement brings the cool air.
You turn your vapor into clouds.


Now watch, as the
cloud turns to precipitation.
precipitation turns into plinking notes.
Pandora clicks her box shut.
And the sky grows quiet, swells in silence.
And now You must close your eyes,

And keep your ears open as crisp rain
slides down your cheeks, and buoyant Music
bobs in the air as an untethered kite, and You
can only feel the Sky cradling your face,
Hear it serenade your battered Soul.

We will be okay,
We will take the troubled Breath in our lungs,
and we will turn it into clouds and cool rain.
We will be Okay.



And Repeat.