

Ria Chaudhary

october is sugar sweet.

we fell in love in october, the car speaker sings,

and I sit and watch as you walk by. 


“the haunted house looks good.”

so spooky it’s surreal,

painted faces and bloody candy. 


my room is filled with those jars.

the ones you see in the haunted house,

names like “eyeballs” or “fingers.”


after school snacks are sweeter with you. 

I was afraid my room would scare you away,

but you always loved horror movies,

didn’t you?


I’m almost full now. 

it was good, better than I expected;

you were so sour when we first met. 


you fill me with love. 

you’re sweeter than I remember,

sugar in your eyes. 


we went to the haunted house together. 

got lost til you forgot to be sour—

I hate sour candy. 


thank you for spending october with me. 

my jars are a little fuller, now,

and so is my heart. 


happy halloween, love.