April Fools (2022)

april fools aplsorl fools aplotl foosl aplril fools aproil fofosl oaprl floos aprli floas

cover art keshav kannan we love and appreciate you everyone give it up for keshav kannan who is really cool you can view his piece which is also the same as the cover art through the content of table yass yassss

note (editiors) 

lets pretendn this is left aligned just to annoy you and not bc i cant figure out how to make it middel alignend 

pst. hey. you. yeah, you with the stupid look on your face. the person staring at vertigo literary magazine’s newest april fools issue. you didn’t actually come here to read, did you? what were you expecting? funny pieces? cool art? cute animations?

absolutely not. if you’ve made it this far, we know you’re not here to look at art. you’re here because you were sent for. because no one visits lhsvertigo.com for FUN.

you are to join a top-secret, elite, off-the-books team, designed to take down each member of vertigo. they’ve come too far, amassed too much power. why do writers and artists think they can do whatever they want!? a whole issue dedicated to what they think is funny!? such hubris!

so what better way to ruin them by combing through all their pieces on this website? your first assignment is to read every single one of the pieces on this website, then compile a four page report on the weaknesses you find. send that to @lhsvertigo on Instagram and we’ll know you’re serious about being in this team. got it? you’re a spy now. this is the real thing.




did you actually think you could be a spy… no bae. we both know ur not cut out for that. lmao loser.

but u can still go ahead and read all our cool pieces!

contents (table) 

Annie Yao — inbound

Isha Shah — (no) 

Akshara Taraniganty — triagnle

Bethanie Lee — dead inside

Emily Pedroza — tales of a (once chicken) old woman

Hannah Chung — Untitled Document

Hannah Liaw — idk

Jennifer Lee — personal attack 

Jiatian Yuan — Chuckle McKnuckles

Jonas Rindegård — what am i doing with my life

Keshav Kannan — April Fools’ Puecw

Lillian Fu — Polly and the Demon Pt 6

Loren Yelluas — prose?

Michelle Jiang — Fish Sequel

Mina Chao — aprilfewls with birb (uwu)

Olive Li — Dragonfruit Dalmatian

Riya Abiram — swiper swiping!

Sophia Cho — owhUO!J@!!&#(?@HNjk

Vivian Chen — cow

Annabel Qin — wassup

Anoushka Banerjee — Modern Art Piece

Natalie Yang — wAit fOr iT…….

Joy Song — Jokes

Alisha Bose — AITA For Disciplining My Son?